Shipping policy

Order Processing & Shipping Times:

We work quickly to handle orders: processing typically happens within 1-2 business days, and delivery is typically within 7-15 business working day. Most customers report receiving their orders in just 7-10 days!

Due to Holidays, End of Year Sales, and other typical delays in logistics and customs, please anticipate some wait times. We thank you for your understanding and support

All orders are Packaged, Shipped and Arrive Safely on your Door within 7-15 Business Working Days (In Most Cases, Orders Usually Arrive in 2 weeks at most). Average estimated shipping times can take up to 2-3 weeks at most. Depending on International Customs, Transports/Logistics, Couriers & Local Postal Delivery Services from the Origin & Destination Regions/Countries). However, most of our Customers typically receive their Orders, in 9-12 days.

Orders are shipped directly from our factory. Our factory is located at Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

Direct from the Manufacturer To Save Your Money !!! 

We Offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee to give you peace of mind with your Purchase !

Apologize in advance, however some delays can be expected due High Demand, Covid-19 Restrictions/Laws, Manufacturer, International Freight Company, Courier Logistics & Customs Delays. All depending on your country of origin destination. We Appreciate your precious time and support !